Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learn for You

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you're learning the things being shoved down your throat? Whether you're in college, grad school, or high school, honestly any part of the education system is just a primer for a 9 to 5 existence nobody actually desires. Sure it would be nice to be rolling in money, but would you feel real fulfillment? True happiness is not based on money or diplomas or any other bullshit government representation of wealth and enrichment. A successful person is not one who has the most government endorsed pieces of paper, but one who is truly happy with where they are in life, what they do with it, and who they are overall. So instead of blowing money on college, which is a glorified extension of high school, take those books and read them on your own terms. Take notes, write in them, highlight, do whatever! And when you're done with them GO DO SOMETHING ELSE. Learning completely sucks if you're not into it, that's obvious as hell! Your brain is not receptive to new information unless it WANTS to be. Memory is not the basis of learning, enjoyment is. And you know what, if you can prove to someone you know what you're talking about, that's so much more than a nice shiny piece of paper from Bullshit University of America. Diplomas, certificates, money, it's all bullshit and we know it. So let's stop depending on it together. Instead of learning it from the higher powers, we need to learn from and with each other. Reject society's bland endorsements, it's false idols and artificial commercialized enterprises and remember WHO YOU ARE. What's your favorite book? Do you even know? Well go find out! Find twenty favorite books! Write about them! THINK about them! Your mind and body is the only thing completely yours so don't ever let anyone tell you how to use it! Stop depending on all these representations and falsehoods and find the TRUE MEANING in everything you love. Do not let someone tell you what it all means, find out for yourself, because that is the true meaning. Everything is naturally beautiful and intertwined on it's own, without the federal scum and candy coating gloss on top of it. Wipe off the factory made artificial shine on top of everything you see and realize how mind numbingly extravagant every single thing that exists is! Learn on your own terms, bypass the bullshit, and live your own instead of John Q. Public's. Give it a shot and it will make sense. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. So my first reaction is that EVERYTHING is spelled correctly! I have a few comments about content though, would you like to hear them?
