Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wake Up

I think it's pretty hard now a days for people to wrap their heads around reality. I constantly look at people and it just seems like they are overestimating everything they depend on and build houses on sand with every step they take, or people just simply think they have the worst life in the world when billions of starving families, rampant wars, humans rights crimes, and whatever the hell other carnage you can spot on a sports bar TV at three in the afternoon. I'm guilty of it, I'm sure you are too. No one's perfect, but has that fact been ingrained so much into is that we don't even try? People rarely sit back and reflect on what, why, how, and who the hell they really are anymore? It's so easy to sit back and point fingers of blame, but wouldn't it actually rely on us to take a step back from ourselves? How hard can it be? I'd assume pretty hard by the looks of things.

Now, by no means do I want to cynically bash the entire human population. If anything I want to raise awareness for the entire human spirit itself. We drown ourselves in distractions and drown each other in pride and hate. Fifteen year friendships get ruined because of Facebook comments, marriages get ruined because of some horseshit World of Warcraft raid someone couldn't miss for their own kid's birth. Meaning has become meaningless, worth worthless, and vice versa. It just seems to me that somewhere along the line being a good person got traded in as the main goal for being the best person somehow. Cool over caring is now the norm, and the byproduct is an entire generation sitting around bitching at each other about their problems instead of putting down the 360 controller, getting off Facebook, and solving some shit. Distraction is always the better alternative.

I hope somebody gets motivated by this. I surely hope I do. The irony of the whole thing is I'll post this to Facebook, and twenty minutes after doing so I'll find myself reading inane details about someone's life who I just really have no business worrying about. What the hell's a man to do?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Be Who You Are

Somewhere in the last few years, people have contented themselves with being anonymous unless they can hide behind a facade. Whether that facade be Facebook, MySpace, or just a simple manipulation of their personality, people can't seem to be content with themself. Humanity is afraid to leave the house without four pounds of makeup, the perfect outfit some asshole in Hollywood is wearing, and an entire mental script to make themselves look good. People learn just to say they know more, instead of actually you know...learning to know more. People find new music just to put down whatever someone else in into. Life has become a constant chase to one-up every one around you. Kindness has been replaced by cool. Good conversation has been replaced with meaningless arguments. Society has so much information constantly shoved down it's throat, people don't have the time or the interest to actually develop one of their own idea's, they just steal everyone elses. There's no true interest in furthering one's self, just a chase to make yourself look good in front of everyone else. Throw away the idea of what you think people want you to be, and just be who you are. True happiness come's from someone who is content with themself, not someone who everyone else in content with. Get off facebook and have a random conversation, stop watching TMZ and read a book. There's so much in the world that has meaning and substance, so man up and start ignoring all the meaningless bullshit people shove in front you. It's not going to help you at the end of the day, anyway.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Pick some flowers, surprise somebody. It'll feel real cool.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey, You're Cute

Have you seen the models lately? The actresses and actors, sex symbols and media anointed pillars of beauty all around us? Makes you feel pretty shitty when you're just an average little somebody wandering around doesn't it? FUCK THAT. The fact that you can read this right now, the fact that you're living, breathing, running, walking, crying, laughing is so beautiful on it's own. Every time you wish you were someone else, simply stop. Remember how amazing life is. How amazing you and everyone else around is. You're a genuine testament to the exuberance of life. You can sing, dance, scream, write. These people on billboards and TV screens are corporate robots telling you to be someone you're not, and most likely someone you probably don't want to be. Some of the most influential people in the world were ugly as hell by society's standards! But confidence and true happiness are the most beautiful things about a person. Tomorrow when you wake up walk around like you're Cameron fucking Diaz! Walk around like your dick is bigger than everyone else's! It doesn't matter that you can't afford designer clothes and bullshit makeup. Wipe it all off! Realize your true beauty and you will be SO MUCH HAPPIER! Do whatever the hell you want with your hair! Laugh at it! Take pride in your appearance to the point where you can laugh at yourself and accept WHO YOU ARE! The people who you admire are sad and lonely sometimes just like the rest of us. They are in the same boat as all of us. People are to busy wishing they were someone else they don't realize how fantastic they really are inside! Next time somebody tells you how shitty you look give them a big old hug and walk away. Acceptance and forgiveness are thousands of times better than rejection and envy! Be a hippie! Enjoy it! Just do yourself a favor, wipe off the makeup, stop saving money for clothes, and walk around like you own the fucking world. You'll feel like it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learn for You

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you're learning the things being shoved down your throat? Whether you're in college, grad school, or high school, honestly any part of the education system is just a primer for a 9 to 5 existence nobody actually desires. Sure it would be nice to be rolling in money, but would you feel real fulfillment? True happiness is not based on money or diplomas or any other bullshit government representation of wealth and enrichment. A successful person is not one who has the most government endorsed pieces of paper, but one who is truly happy with where they are in life, what they do with it, and who they are overall. So instead of blowing money on college, which is a glorified extension of high school, take those books and read them on your own terms. Take notes, write in them, highlight, do whatever! And when you're done with them GO DO SOMETHING ELSE. Learning completely sucks if you're not into it, that's obvious as hell! Your brain is not receptive to new information unless it WANTS to be. Memory is not the basis of learning, enjoyment is. And you know what, if you can prove to someone you know what you're talking about, that's so much more than a nice shiny piece of paper from Bullshit University of America. Diplomas, certificates, money, it's all bullshit and we know it. So let's stop depending on it together. Instead of learning it from the higher powers, we need to learn from and with each other. Reject society's bland endorsements, it's false idols and artificial commercialized enterprises and remember WHO YOU ARE. What's your favorite book? Do you even know? Well go find out! Find twenty favorite books! Write about them! THINK about them! Your mind and body is the only thing completely yours so don't ever let anyone tell you how to use it! Stop depending on all these representations and falsehoods and find the TRUE MEANING in everything you love. Do not let someone tell you what it all means, find out for yourself, because that is the true meaning. Everything is naturally beautiful and intertwined on it's own, without the federal scum and candy coating gloss on top of it. Wipe off the factory made artificial shine on top of everything you see and realize how mind numbingly extravagant every single thing that exists is! Learn on your own terms, bypass the bullshit, and live your own instead of John Q. Public's. Give it a shot and it will make sense. I promise.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bring it Back

Where has the ecstasy for life gone? We all need to remember how breathtakingly beautiful and excruciatingly divine each single human being is. Every single one of our bodies is a city, a planet, a musical instrument, an empty canvas, a living, breathing testament to the richness and beauty of life. We must abandon cool. We must abandon image. We are what we are, not a set of opinions based on society's unfair standards placed on us. Where is the joy? Where is the passion? Why have we begun to abandon we and embrace me? We are all one with this world, nature, and each other. Every single atom in our body is intertwined with the trees, the birds, the sea, and most importantly, each other. What fact exists that is more eye opening and beautiful? Turn off your TV, sell your car, abandon your false idols, and find the all encompassing beauty inside yourself. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! You are stardust! You are the Moon! You are the Earth, the dirt, made of the same building blocks as the smallest animal in the dirt and the largest building on it at the same time! Wake up every morning with the intention of living your life as hard as you can using every miniscule fiber inside of you! Go out today and make a mistake! Hug a stranger! Tell a joke! Laugh! Cry! Run! Think! BE! And please, love every second of it.